
High quality standards in counselling - AZAV

We regularly undergo strict audits by independent bodies. The neutral and independent confirmation of GS Consult's working methods means quality, transparency, reliability and security for our customers. We have established a stable and sustainable quality management system through clearly defined rules and control mechanisms. In addition, our continuous improvement is driven by external monitoring. Certified companies have a clear competitive advantage: only AZAV-certified companies are authorised to carry out transfer companies.


Conclusion from the current 2022 certification audit: 

"GS Consult proves to be a highly professional and experienced organisation with a high level of customer satisfaction and acceptance, very remarkable participant support and correspondingly good integration successes in the transfer projects. The quality management applied on the basis of the requirements of SGB III and AZAV is highly systematised and is continuously developed further."


Our quality management is impressive - ISO 9001:2015

The satisfaction of our customers is our priority. 

Our customers are at the centre of every business activity. It is therefore important to understand the needs of our customers and to ensure that their expectations are not only met, but exceeded wherever possible. With our quality management, we have created a high standard for all services at GS Consult.



The ISO 9001:2015 certification confirms this as an international standard. One of our most important principles with our quality management is to improve customer satisfaction by identifying and fulfilling customer needs. We have implemented a system that focuses on the fulfilment of customer requirements and the continuous improvement of our quality.

The GS Consult team is certified for the Visual Questionnaire ViQ

A total of 13 consultants from GS Consult GmbH have undergone further training to become certified consultants for the ViQ personality test. The ViQ is an "implicit personality test" that measures purely on the basis of graphic symbols. "The ViQ offers many advantages for counselling, especially in coaching, team development and placement," says Andreas Schlitter, Senior Consultant at GS Consult.

"Hired by skills - fired by attitude"

The motivation for this further training is the realisation that success in the workplace does not only depend on whether someone has the technical skills, but also to a large extent on behaviour and personal fit.

In particular, the absence of explicit questions makes the process attractive, as opportunities for manipulation are greatly reduced.

We will be happy to provide you with information on applicability in your company/team.